Saturday, October 27, 2007

Passing Thought...

As Christians we need to find the things in our lives that strengthens our faith to the Lord Jesus Christ and constantly come back to those things. For example if you have a houseplant and you want it to grow you need to water it. Any two year old could tell you that, it is just one of the basics of life. All living things are dependent on something else to keep them alive. Well, the same with our faith. Those things that give us goose bumps because they make us see without a doubt that Christ is who he said he is, those things need to be filtered into our daily lives to keep our faith alive!

Grace and Peace

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Christ Has Already Done What He Had To Do!

Christ is not obligated to give you that one more chance just before you die to take him back into you hearts. That is what Him dieing on the cross was for! Hebrews 6:4 says, "It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age, if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance, because to their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subject him to public disgrace."

Those are some heavy words to swallow, but take them down! Because if you walk away from the Lord once you have experienced his love, what can bring you back? Nothing! If what God has to offer to us is not good enough the first time, it will NOT be good enough the second time...


Grace and Peace

Got the Bible?

I was recently asked the question, "What advice do you have to give to a new Christian?" It was a young man and he said this to me referring his fiancé. I looked at the both of them and then looked at my Bible, paused, pointed to the book setting in front of me and said, "This needs to be your best friend."

It is true. How often do we see people come to Christ, but then never comeback to Christ? I mean, they accept Christ into their lives and all he has done for them, but then never comeback to meet with him in fellowship through His word. People say, "I want to know God." As a Christian you are called to know and walk with God. That is impossible to do if you are not digging into the scripts. The Word tells us everything we need to know about God and who He is. That needs to drive us in our lives.

What happens if we don't read the word? If we do not read to learn and fellowship with our Lord we will know nothing about him. We will be calling ourselves Christian aka Christ Followers, but not knowing whom we follow. We would resort to human wisdom to explain a miraculous God, which is inconceivable. (1 Corinthians 1 talks about how ridiculous human wisdom is.) The message of the cross is not comprehendible unless approached through faith and your faith cant be straightened unless you spend time with God, which includes the very words he breathed.

If a Christian fails to connect on a personal level with God they will always be second guessing themselves in their security in Christ. Every time they sin, they will feel like they are going to hell, get all down and depressed about it and in a sense try to hide from God like Adam and Eve did. Instead, they should be going to the Lord about it and talking it over with him. Christ didn't die on the cross for nothing. They need to truly come to a full understanding of what Christ dieing on the cross really means and that will not happen if you are not in a familiar relationship with the Lord Jesus the Christ.

So, if you are a new Christian, read your word. It is the best think you can do for your walk with Christ outside of prayer. Then again those two things should be going hand in hand.

Grace and Peace

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Faith Factor...

Please repeat after me. Salvation is free, it costs me nothing. Following Jesus, will cost me something. This is a big problem for some people. They become Christians and trust Jesus with their salvation, but they don’t want to hand over and trust him with their lives. A lot of people will say, “I don’t want to give up anything in my life, I just like the going to heaven when I die part.” Or, “I’ll give you this much God, but the rest is off limits, you can’t have this. There seems to be some confusion involved. We tend to think, since we are giving up all this great stuff to truly follow Christ (money, job, marriage, relationships, etc.) and not getting anything in return, consequently it is a really bad deal. In other words, "You want your cake and you want to eat it too." If you can relate at all, that I am a Christian but I am not a true 100% follower of Jesus Christ. I’m a Christian but I don’t know if there has ever been a time where I have actually hand over my career, my time, my relationships, My college major, who I am dating or how I spend my free time. If that has never truly happened for you, and the reason is because you are a little bit afraid of what God may take away from you. Your issue is not the value of what you are holding in your hands. Your issue is do you really trust that God is who he says he is, and that he will do what he promised to do. The main reason we are afraid is because we are not sure what he is going to do, If I get out of that relationship, what if there is not another one, what if, what if, what if. And it's like God is saying, "Yeah, I know, isn't exciting isn't it." It is scary. And God says, "No, you’re going to have to, huh, trust me." But that’s scary. "I know that’s why I am not going to force you." I want you to learn to trust me.

Luke 5:1-11 is a story about a guy much like us. His name is Peter and he had heard and learned a lot about Jesus. Peter had come to a point where he was taking the teachings of Jesus seriously in his life. And all of a sudden he is challenge to do something with what he has heard and with what he has believed and it scares him to death. And what Jesus asked him to do really does not make any sense at all with in the context of what he understood, which is the same for many of us. Peter was not famous, he was a business guy, and he worked in the family business.
If you had met Peter at that point and said, “Hey Peter, what do you want to be when you grow up”? He would say, “I am what I want to be when I grow up. I’m a fisherman. I am there.” What is your vision for your life? "I don’t have a vision, I am a fishermen. I don’t need a vision. I want to provide for my family, I want to be a good Jewish man; I want to be an upstanding guy in the community. I am just a guy.” Nobody knew who Peter was. But yet this is the day that everything in his life changed.

“One day as Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret, with the people crowding around him and listening to the word of God, he saw at the water's edge two boats, left there by the fishermen, who were washing their nets.”

Let me tell you a little side information. Fishermen would go out at night to fish, because the water was cool and all the fish would come to the top of the water. They would fish with nets and would fish all night and then come into shore in the morning. Then get the fish, clean the fish, and get the fish ready for market. Then they would clean their nets, and get all the “bear cans” and seaweed out of them. Then spread them out and let them dry. Then they would roll them up, store them, and then go to sleep because they were up all night. So Peter sees Jesus teaching. Apparently the crowed is getting so big that Jesus is backing up and backing up closer and closer to the water, and it is getting a little gushy. So Jesus saw two boats and figured he would hop in one of the boats and push out from the shore so he would have some distance to speak.

“He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little from shore. Then he sat down and taught the people from the boat.”

So apparently Peter was at the edge of the water working with his nets or he may even be inside the boat. Either way he is close to Jesus, listening too his sermon. Peter has heard Jesus speak before. He knew that Jesus was a teacher. He knew that Jesus clamed to be from God, and many people said he was a prophet. So he knew who Jesus was pretty good, probably better than most people. So he is there listening to Jesus, we don’t even know what he was talking about. Peter is drying his nets, very sleepy, no doubt because he has been fishing all night. He is getting ready to put away the nets and turn in for the day. And then Jesus turns to Peter and asks him to do something that if he did would make no sense at all. So Jesus is basically saying, “Peter I would like you to risk your reputation for me. Peter I would like you to risk your finances for me. Peter I would basically like for you to risk your career for me. Peter I would like you do something for me that everyone on the shore, by the way I have drawn quite a crowd, would look at you and laugh out loud.”

“When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.”

Now I don’t know what Peter was thinking, but my guess is Peter was probably thinking something like this. You’re a carpenter, and I am a fishermen. You obviously know nothing about fishing because if you did, you would know that we don’t fish in daylight, we fish at night. The water is warm therefore the fish are low. Also, I don’t know if you we paying attention but my nets were just dried. And if you take a look my nets, they are ready to be stored for the day until it is time to go fishing again tonight. You don’t fish in the day. Again if any of the other fishermen and if anyone on the shore line see you and me rowing around on the lake and not just having a little lake time, but the two of us with these dried clean nets starting to fish in the middle of the day. Who knows what would be said about us. This doesn’t make any sense at all. So peter push's back a little bit like we often do. You know, whatever the deal is. Oh but God do you know how hard it is to get in with this school? But God do you know what an honor it is to be even asked to be apart of that group? But God my parents really like this guy. But God have you seen her, have you seen her? And then as if God would say, "Oh yeah, I forgot, I’m sorry, go ahead, my bad." So peter try’s to give Jesus a little information that maybe he did not already know.

“Simon answered, ‘Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything.”

It is like peter was saying, “Jesus, you don’t fish during the day and you especially don’t fish during the day that is connected to the night that you already fish and didn’t catch anything. It just doesn’t make any sense. And besides that, people are watching. And if I go out there and get my nets all dirty again, and then have to spend the whole afternoon cleaning them off, I'm not going to be in any shape to fish tonight. This could wreck me financially. I mean there are a lot of things at steak here." So listen to the rest to verse five.

“But because you say so, I will let down the nets."

This is huge. Peter is saying Jesus I wouldn’t do this for anyone else. Jesus I am not doing this because it makes sense. And Jesus I am not doing this because I think we are going to catch anything. I am not doing this because it is going to help my life in anyway. I can’t think of anything good that is going to come from this. But I’ve been listening, I’ve been watching, and I am going to trust you. Even though this could make me the laughing stalk of all of Galilee, because you said so, I will to do it.

“When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink. When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus' knees and said, "Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!”

See what happens here? When Peters little bitty faith intersects with Jesus' faithfulness, he realized whom he was dealing with. And all of a sudden Peter realized that this incredible man, must not simply be a man. Not only did Peter see and recognize who Jesus is. Peter realized that Jesus knew who he was. And in that moment, Jesus was no longer a prophet or a teacher. He became the real, live, personal, son of the living God. And His life was never the same. And the fish weren’t even the issue. See your testimony won’t be about “fish”, when you realize who Jesus is and what he has done for you. It will be how he acted in your life personally as a response to your faith.

“For he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken, and so were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon's partners. Then Jesus said to Simon, "Don't be afraid; from now on you will catch men." So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.”

This is an amazing part of the story. Peter encountered Jesus and when he did his life change forever. Something inside of Peter clicked. He realized that Jesus was who he said he was. That alone was enough for him to drop his plans for his life and follow Jesus. He gave up everything, his job, family, and friends. Not to mention the pile of fish they just caught. The pile of fish that just made them very well off. And instead of going back to shore and cleaning those fish and preparing them for the market, he leaves them there. He picks up where he is at and just goes, goes to follow Jesus. Peter had no idea what hung on the other side of the door of him saying, "I trust you", and neither will you. You may be afraid to fail or it just may not make any sense at all. But if Jesus says he wants you to do it, open your hands, open your life and say, “Here I am Lord, do with me as you please.”

"When you decide to follow Jesus, he takes full reasonability for the out come of the journey." - Charles Stanley

Grace and Peace

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Don't Give In...

I would like to start of by asking, what goes on in your darkness? In daylight you are ministers of the word to the world. You go to work in the office; supermarket, gas station and you spread seed for the harvest. Showing Christ’s love to the world by living the example. But when your home, doors closed, do you hold strong in your self-control or does your other half come out? Is your righteousness like a light switch? Can you flip it on and off, so you can live life just like a hypocrite?
1 Peter 5:8-9 reads, “8Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 9Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.”
“Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” This poses a question, doesn’t it? Why would Peter choose to describe satin as a roaring lion? It seems that throughout the bible there have been times that those who threaten Gods people have been described as a lion. David wrote Psalm 22 and he says, “roaring lions tearing their pray open with their mouths wide against me.” In Jeremiah 50:17 it says, "Israel is a scattered flock that lions have chased away. The first to devour him was the king of Assyria; the last to crush his bones was Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon." In 1 Samuel 17:33-37 it says, "You are not able to go out against this Philistine and fight him; you are only a boy, and he has been a fighting man from his youth." 34 But David said to Saul, "Your servant has been keeping his father's sheep. When a lion or a bear came and carried off a sheep from the flock, 35 I went after it, struck it and rescued the sheep from its mouth. When it turned on me, I seized it by its hair, struck it and killed it. 36 Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, because he has defied the armies of the living God. 37 The LORD who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.
Lets take a look at this for a minute. Here we see David is trying to get Saul to allow him to go out and fight Goliath. Saul is telling him you are only a boy, your to small, he is much older then you and has been fighting since he was around your age, therefore has a lot more experience than you. And David then says, but I have gone after a lion and a bear when they would take a sheep from my care. I would rescue the sheep and when the lion and the bear turned on me, I killed them. This is a lot like the verse in 1 Peter isn’t it? In 1 Peter it says, “Resist him, standing firm in the faith.” Resist him, this means to stand firmly against attack, to be unwavering in resistance. It doesn’t mean bail at the first sign of trouble. When the lion comes in the darkness and tries to take away your righteousness by tempting you with the pleasures of this world, resist him! Stand strong against his attack and trust that through God you will prevail. That’s exactly what David did, he didn’t run and say, “Well now I am down another sheep.” He knew that if he did not go after that lion and take back what was his, the lion would keep coming back till he was totally striped and left with nothing. That is what verse 8 and part of verse 9 is trying to say. Be aware of your lion because he is there looking to devour you at any sign of any weakness.
That is not the end of verse nine though. Not only does Peter tell us who is out there looking to destroy us and how to handle him, but he gives us words of encouragement. He could have easily told us, Hey, be alert cause satin is out there looking to ruin your lives. And oh yeah, resist him and stand strong in your faith when he does try. But that is not all that he gives us. He tells us how to concur such a huge feat. He says, “Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing through the same kind of sufferings.” Here he is telling us, Hey, your not alone. There are people all over the world that are going through the same kinds of sufferings. We need to take advantage of that and act as one body. You need to find someone in the church that you can trust to hold you accountable and feel comfortable talking to knowing there is no judgment being cast around.
Finally I would like to end on the story of Sampson. He had an issue with temptation and sin too and it crept in slowly. He was lust driven and had a real urge for revenge against anyone who did him wrong. As a Nazarite you are not allowed to have wine or vinegar even grapes were off limits, but that did not stop Sampson he continued to approach the vineyard. Then a young lion approached roaring toward him. The Spirit of the Lord came upon him and he tore the lion up. He later passed through were he left the carcass and saw there was bees and honey in it. But as a Nazarite you must consider all dead bodies to be unclean. That also didn’t stop Sampson; he scooped out the honey and shared it with his parents. Lastly he was not allowed to cut his hair, but while he was sleeping, Delilah the woman he loved, cut his hair. The Philistines came and gouged his eyes out and sent him grinding in prison. Later he was in the temple were the Philistines were teasing him for there own pleasure. There the Lord avenged Sampson and allowed him to push the pillars out and bring down the entire temple. He killed three thousand men and women, but his story has a bad ending because he went with them. So I ask you, “How are you going to finish yours, Christian”?

Grace and Peace

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Is Global Warming Real?

The government says that the Earth is going through a process called Global Warming. I will argue that we are not going through Global Warming, but a natural cycle that the universe undergoes periodically. I also will suggest that if the earth is going to do anything, it is going to head in the opposite direction of Global Warming, which is known as an Ice Age. Most of my argument will be argued from a philosophic and scientific point of view, which means I will argue mostly by the idea that the earth is four billion years old. (I DO NOT SUPPORT THE IDEA THAT THE EARTH IS BILLIONS OF YEARS OLD THOUGH, BUT MOST IDEAS AND STATISTICS ARE BASED ON THAT THOUGHT. IT MAKES THE ARGUMENT A LITTLE MORE EFFECTIVE IF YOU CAN TAKE THE SCIENTIFIC “FACTS” AND STILL BE ABLE TO FLIP THEM ON THE SCIENTIST.)
Firstly, what is the philosophy behind this process called Global Warming? Scientists believe that global warming is the developmental plodding rise of the earth's surface temperature which is thought to be caused by the greenhouse effect and responsible for changes in global climate patterns. They believe that global warming has transpired in the earth’s history as the result of natural influences, but the expression is used most of the time to refer to the warming that is predicted to take place as a result of increased emissions of greenhouse gases.

How does the global warming process work? The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) says that the greenhouse gases are going into and thickening the earth’s atmosphere. When the sun’s rays enter through our atmosphere, they used to bounce off the earth. A certain amount would stay in our atmosphere and keep the temperature stable, and a certain amount would exit the atmosphere. Now, since the earth’s atmosphere is thicker than it used to be from all the greenhouse gases, it traps more radiation from the sun in our atmosphere, and in turn is causing the global climate to increase. The IPCC mainly uses a single graph to illustrate their point of view, which is called the MBH98— also known as the Hockey Stick Graph. This graph shows variations of the earth’s surface temperature for the past 1,000 years. It shows a steady climate and environment till about the year 1900, and then the graph goes literally up the wall. It shows that the temperature climbed about 9o C over the past hundred years, which is a big deal concerning global climate.

The philosophy of global warming is exceptionally comprehensible on what controls cycles of climate change. The first is recurring variations in the sun's energy output. The sun has been measured according to its brightness as to how hot it is and studies show that according to the sun’s brightness the temperature fluctuates appropriately. The second is the peculiarity in the earth's orbit. Third is the influence of plate tectonics on the spreading of continents and oceans. Lastly is the alleged "greenhouse effect," which is caused by atmospheric gases such as gaseous water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxides, which help to confine radiant heat that might otherwise break out into space. This last “control of climate,” the “greenhouse effect,” actually is a fragment component in global climate change. Commonly understood, but infrequently revealed is the reality that 95% of this greenhouse effect is due exclusively to natural water vapor. So, of the outstanding 5%, only 0.2% to 0.3% of the greenhouse effect is due to emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases of human resources. If we are in a global warming crisis, even the most assertive and costly proposals for restraining industrialized carbon dioxide emissions would have an unnoticeable effect on the global climate.

The IPCC is disregarding the fact that pushing an exaggerated idea of global warming will get the political response they want. They are a political organization that was set up by the United Nations to provide evidence to support the framework of climate change, government has assigned it, and it is entirely political. Anything that does not go with this exaggerated political issue is tossed aside and disregarded. There have been reviewers for the IPCC reports that have been excommunicated from the organization because the IPCC did not like the fact that these men were giving an opposing argument. Where the government has placed their entire philosophies about global warming in the IPCC, the IPCC has placed all their philosophies solely in their computer models. If the IPCC wanted to place all the different possible components in their models it would be up to 5 million different variables. With that said, there is not a single computer in the world that can handle that kind of data, but more importantly handle all of the calculations of the interactions and complexities of the climate. These computers that they are using are incapable of properly handling the most important ingredient of all of this— water vapor. Therefore, I believe they are impractical to use and serve no logical purpose as a means of finding fact about our climate increase.

The IPCC’s main evidence of global warming is that the climate is changing and getting warmer. This seems like a compelling argument on the surface, but what if one digs past the obvious facts? The climate has always been changing and it always will change, regardless of what things humans are doing or not doing. Professor Tim Patterson, Department of Earth Science at Carleton University states, “The only constant about climate is change, it changes continually.” Past researchers have concluded that between 1400 and even as late as 1900 there were regions all over the world that where much colder than normal. These time periods was known as the “Little Ice Age,” and before that there were regions that were unusually warmer. This means that the twentieth century was not out of balance; it was normal when it is evaluated closely to the past.

Climate warming caused by synthetic greenhouse gases is typically presented as a depressing calamity that will provoke the worldwide extermination of animals and plants. It would induce plagues of infectious and parasitic diseases, famines, and floods—perhaps even attacks of mutated insects unaffected by insecticides. Melting glaciers are predicted to have heavily inhabited coastal areas and elevate the sea level by 3.67 meters, which would flood islands. There would be mass resettlement and a swarm of other social and environmental effects, which would be always detrimental and never beneficial. Dr. Stephen Schneider said:

"To capture the public imagination we have to make simplified dramatic statements, and little mention of any doubts one might have. Each of us has to decide the right balance between being effective and being honest."

One American Climatologist stated that the IPCC is trying the “scare them to death method” which seems to be working as far as bringing in the money to commit to these studies.

The warming of our earth is not an unusual thing. It is quite normal. This is a process that our earth not only goes through, but the entire solar system goes through it as well. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change fails to put in their reports that the planet Mars, as are other planets, is heating up and showing significant signs of “global warming.” The IPCC never shows the entire philosophy of what is entirely behind global warming. Mars is not exposed to pollutants like Earth is, and yet the NASA researchers are finding that it appears that the planet is coming out of an ice age. NASA’s Odyssey orbiter has detected seasonal changes, which may as well be the reason for the planets’ melting of polar ice. It has also gathered calculations that are pointing to a long-term trend of the planets heating up and cooling down. The NASA Odyssey orbiter cannot be blamed for Mars’ exiting an ice age. Mars’ current climate conditions and the frozen water at low altitude regions suggest to us that something is out of equilibrium on Mars. I would suggest that Mars is coming out of an ice age and the temperature would be that not of the norms. They would be fluctuating and going in the opposite direction than is thought to be normal.

I believe that the philosophies of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports have become bibles for the bureaucrats and environmentalist fanatics. This causes these uncompromising people to accuse modern civilization of being responsible for global warming. They also constantly claim that they reflect a true "consensus" of the scientific community. That claim about the consensus is very debatable, being that there are scientists all over the world presenting in-depth arguments and criticizing a majority of the ideas the IPCC puts out for accessible information.

The summer time melts of the ice caps in Antarctica are far from being a portentous development that signals the ongoing slaughter of the earth through global warming. I believe that it is actually a sequential development, an occurrence that proceeds over an extended period of time. Cold fronts begin at the poles and head for mild zones. If the poles were warming that would mean the cold fronts would be not as cold, leading to unusually warm winters. It is similar to a refrigerator. If a refrigerator loses its power, it loses the ability to cool the things it was originally meant to cool. If the Artic ice mass was melting or even thinning we would be the recipients of much more mild fronts. What we are finding more of, and which the IPCC is leaving out of their reports, is that the ice packs are actually thickening. In turn the fronts that are being sent south are much more colder than in the past. If the polar ice caps are seeing their power to make the more mild regions cool slowly fading away, why is it that we are observing every year more record breaking cold spells? As for the very real scenario of immense snowfalls and brutal blizzards, it is important that we remember a very simple fact: the colder the air is in a front, the more vicious the storms are going to be that are created when the Arctic air meets the warm air that is being pushed up from the equatorial regions.

The warm fronts that are moving north are increasingly warmer, but that is not from global warming like the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change so sternly presents. The increasingly warm air is from volcanic activity on the ocean floors. These volcanoes are becoming increasingly more active. There are witnesses on the surface that see the volcanoes spewing lava up through the ocean and into the air. These volcanoes are turning the sea floor into boiling caldrons. This heating of the oceans are sending gigantic amounts of carbon dioxide into the upper part of the atmosphere. There the CO2 becomes moisture and falls as rain in the summer, fall, and spring, and snow in the winter. Snow also falls in the Artic, laying down more layers on top of the ice that is already there, which in turn makes the ice thicker. The larger the quantities of CO2 that we have in the atmosphere, the greater the amounts of rainfall and snow we will be subject to. Carbon dioxide levels are now nearing 400 parts per million and growing. Over millions of years, every time the level of CO2 has escalated above 200 ppm, the earth has gone through an ice age. Robert W. Felix writes:

"Research shows that there was a sudden and dramatic rise in carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere at the dinosaur extinction of 65 million years ago. Today's rise in CO2 levels can be attributed to our warming oceans. After all, the oceans are known as a carbon dioxide 'sink,' especially when the water is cold. But as the water warms up, it releases CO2 into the atmosphere. This happens in much the same way that a warm bottle of home-brewed root beer will release CO2. And if you give that CO2 no way to escape, the bottle will explode. We've got it backwards. We've got cause and effect in reverse. The CO2 is not causing global warming. Instead, our warming oceans are releasing CO2 into the atmosphere. It's not global warming, it's ocean warming, and it's leading us into an ice age."

As recent as 30 years ago, talk wasn’t about global warming. It was about a forthcoming ice age. Nigel Calder, former editor of New Scientist, in International Wildlife in July of 1975 said, “The facts have emerged, in recent years and months, from research into past ice ages. They imply that the threat of a new ice age must now stand alongside nuclear war as a likely source of wholesale death and misery for mankind.” As early as January 1994, Time magazine wrote:

"The ice age cometh? Last week's big chill was a reminder that the Earth's climate can change at any time. The last ice age ended 10,000 years ago; the next one, for there will be a next one, could start tens of thousands of years from now, tens of years, or it may have already started."

How is it we can go from one extreme to the other in such a short amount of time? Was an ice age a serious problem? Was it likely? Was it even possible? There have been up to twenty ice ages in just the previous two million years. Each of these ice ages lasted around 20,000 to 100,000 years. We do not know why there is such a discrepancy, but we do know that these cold periods were separated by warm periods that lasted anywhere between 10,000 to 15,000 years. One of the things we can be sure of is that we are in one of those warming periods. However, it seems we are already about 13,000 years into it.

My philosophy is that we are at the end of this period and we will be heading into a new one sooner than most people predict. At one time it was general knowledge that an ice age would come upon this earth, but slowly— so slowly that each generation would hardly notice any change from the last. Once one did realize that the earth was going into an ice age, there would be plenty of time to move industries, governments, and populations to a southern climate. However, recent studies show that ice ages come upon us with complete brusqueness and can only catch us by surprise. The last ice age that this planet experienced came within just a twenty-year period. There is physical evidence that shows that in the last ice age the British Isles went from a complete contemporary climate to absolutely freezing and completely covered with glaciers that where hundreds of feet thick. An ice age will happen again and at first we will not even recognize it, so the first few years we will feel we are just having another terrible winter season. But after those first introductory years of the ice age, rivers will begin to freeze through all the seasons of the year, the snow fall that we receive from year to year will not melt completely, glaciers will begin to form, and some of what is currently known as the world’s most fertile ground will become barren.

The global warming scare uses just about every propaganda device known to man. There are incessant petitions to scientific authority. The propagandists make up that there is scientific agreement that the human race and its actions are absolutely altering the climate in a hazardous way. This is an absolute lie. There can be found no highly regarded scientist who will say otherwise. The graphs are being carefully condensed so that the parts that are showing the earth cooling are removed from the graphs and those that are presenting the global warming are kept. The cooling data, such as the thickening of ice caps, snow in Saudi Arabia, and record low temperatures, are disregarded. Warming data, such as breaking ice shelves and record high temperatures, are presented in the headlines. This is not a managed conspiracy but a behavior in which selfishness, dogma, tree huggers, politicians, and journalists combine to help each other to get more financial support, more exciting stories, and more enemies to find fault with. The climate of our world is far too imperative for this kind of claptrap. What we need is more authentic scientific examinations of the earth climates. If we do make a decision on the "precautionary principle" of keeping CO2 levels steady, we can turn to those many technologies, which discharge little or no CO2. There is no reason the world’s economy can’t continue to flourish with lowered greenhouse emissions. There is a grave need to start being honest with ourselves, start presenting truth as it really is, and stop thriving on these half-truths that are appealing to the eyes, but detrimental to our entire world.

Grace and Peace