Sunday, October 21, 2007

Got the Bible?

I was recently asked the question, "What advice do you have to give to a new Christian?" It was a young man and he said this to me referring his fiancé. I looked at the both of them and then looked at my Bible, paused, pointed to the book setting in front of me and said, "This needs to be your best friend."

It is true. How often do we see people come to Christ, but then never comeback to Christ? I mean, they accept Christ into their lives and all he has done for them, but then never comeback to meet with him in fellowship through His word. People say, "I want to know God." As a Christian you are called to know and walk with God. That is impossible to do if you are not digging into the scripts. The Word tells us everything we need to know about God and who He is. That needs to drive us in our lives.

What happens if we don't read the word? If we do not read to learn and fellowship with our Lord we will know nothing about him. We will be calling ourselves Christian aka Christ Followers, but not knowing whom we follow. We would resort to human wisdom to explain a miraculous God, which is inconceivable. (1 Corinthians 1 talks about how ridiculous human wisdom is.) The message of the cross is not comprehendible unless approached through faith and your faith cant be straightened unless you spend time with God, which includes the very words he breathed.

If a Christian fails to connect on a personal level with God they will always be second guessing themselves in their security in Christ. Every time they sin, they will feel like they are going to hell, get all down and depressed about it and in a sense try to hide from God like Adam and Eve did. Instead, they should be going to the Lord about it and talking it over with him. Christ didn't die on the cross for nothing. They need to truly come to a full understanding of what Christ dieing on the cross really means and that will not happen if you are not in a familiar relationship with the Lord Jesus the Christ.

So, if you are a new Christian, read your word. It is the best think you can do for your walk with Christ outside of prayer. Then again those two things should be going hand in hand.

Grace and Peace

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